最近的我有些懶散! 不知道是不是太熱了! 就是很提不起精神!

以後要振作點啊! 大家都知道 伊娃妮的新網站吧! 我也有幫一點點的小小的忙!





新的特殊人種 - 木乃伊


Inc Gamer 有一篇關於模3 世界歷險記的一些資訊。



EA has revealed what to expect in The Sims 3 World Adventures if you decide to explore Egypt, Mummies!

美商藝電EA發布了一些關於模3:世界歷險記的驚奇,如果你打算要去埃及探險,你就會遇見 - 木乃伊。

Nope not your Mum, even thought that would be quite entertaining (and a bit more scary), but full blown historical Egyptian mummies and they have one agenda...to curse your Sims.

不,不是你的媽媽喔! (Mummy木乃伊和 mum拼音法音很相像!) 雖然說這樣滿有娛樂佳值(也有些恐怖),而是在充滿了歷史風情的埃及木乃伊,而且他們是有目的的 - 詛咒你的市民。

While exploring Egypt you will be able to discover treasures, participate in numerous challenges and investigate the hidden caves and tombs which litter the landscape.


The location will be one of three real-world inspired locations, and will include Pyramids, tombs laden with sarcophagus' and the odd unwelcome guest. With the mummy, EA has confirmed it could end in three different ways depending on your Sim. If you have a Sim which knows martial arts you will be able to fight off the ancient Pharaoh, but if they don't either you will be knocked unconscious or have a curse put on your Sim resulting in a new quest being unlocked.



To get the curse removed you will have to send your Sim to the Sphinx and ask for the chance to remove it using the soul peace statue, if the Sphinx refuses though it will signal the unfortunate demise of your Sim!


However you can also become a mummy, with this your Sim will gain numerous advantages such as the energy and bladder motives becoming non-existent which will result in no trips to the toilet or having to sleep. Not only that your Sim will become strong, have a longer life compared to other Sims and have unique social interaction items.

但是你的市民也可以變成木乃伊喔! 如果市民變成木乃伊,他將會得到很多的益處。例如: 沒有精力和廁所的需求。你的市民不僅會變的很強壯,也會有比其他市民更長的生命。而且也會有特殊的社交的互動。

Sounds good doesn't it? Well its not all great as your Mummy Sim will move alot slower than normal Sims and also be alot more prone to fire. How much fire you put your Sim around is abit questionable, lets be honest your not going to make him make dinner next to a gas cooker are you?

聽起來很不錯吧! 當然當個木乃伊市民並不是全部都是好事啊! 木乃伊市民將會行動較緩慢,而且比較容易引起火災。 所以如果我是你,我將不會安排讓木乃伊市民煮晚餐或是將他安排在火爐旁邊喔!


We were very impressed with The Sims 3, and have high hopes for the first expansion World Adventures which will launch 20 November on PC and MAC.

我們對模3的印象非常的良好。而且對這再11月20日將會出貨的第一個資料片 模3:世界歷險記有很大的希望喔! (美國官網是說11月17日,所以大概是17日吧!)


所以說,模3:世界歷險記的特殊人種就是木乃伊。看來小人既然可以變成木乃伊,那應該也是可以嫁娶木乃伊和生小孩子吧! 不知道小孩是長什麼樣子的!

期待嗎? 我還不知道。倒是對這個偉士牌的摩托車比較有期待! 不知道能不能一人騎一人坐在後面。如果可以,那來拍個羅馬假期也不錯! (我想大概很多人都沒聽過羅馬假期吧!)

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