
今天我和JD在聊美國新釋出的社區 Barnacle Bay。

聊一聊我就問他可不可以使用9月份的 SEPT15OFF 的折扣代碼。

於是乎,我上網寫一寫突然他們說可以做 Live Chat。
以下就是我和服務人員 Nick 的對話。

Nick: Hi, my name is Nick. How may I help you?

Amy Lin: Hi, Nick,
Amy Lin: I'm wondering if the discount code of SEPT15OFF only works for American players.

          我想問那個 SEPT15OFF的折扣代碼只有美國玩家可以使用嗎

          我住在台灣。九月份買了兩次 Simpoints。可是兩次都無法使用。
Nick: Okay
Nick: Can you give me the moment
Amy Lin: no problem
Nick: Yes
Amy Lin: Yes what?
Nick: I get the information that currently there is some issue with the discount code


Nick: so its not working


Nick: Our developers are currently working on it

Amy Lin: So would I get discount after

Nick: Yes

       是的! (灑花)
Amy Lin: Thank you
Amy Lin: One more thing.
Nick: Yes please
Amy Lin: my friend and I have noticed that there's not much update at the website,

Amy Lin: when we get on the office website of the sims 3, we are taken to Taiwan site.

Amy Lin: But, it's usually renewed much slower than the American or other country's

Amy Lin: Can you ask them to update the site at the same time too... Just a suggestion.

          你能不能請他們也幫台灣的網站同時更新呢?  只是個建議。
Nick: 1 minute
Amy Lin: Thanks
Nick: I am escalating this issue to senior support

Nick: They would inform you about this

Amy Lin: thank you very much.
Amy Lin: Thank you. that's all now. If I have more questions. I will call again. :D

          (其實我是開玩笑的啦! 因為不知道怎麼跟他說我問完了。 以下就是些客套話。不翻譯了。)
Nick: If you want to contact us by calling then you can call 650-628-1001, this service is available between 8AM PST till 5PM PST. If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.
Nick: You would receive the email
Amy Lin: Thank you. :D
Nick: from our senior support
Nick: It was my pleasure that I get chance to assist you.
Nick: Bye and take care ^^
Amy Lin: See ya. :D

其實這是我第二次使用 Live Chat。但是不是每次都有用。

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